Instant and powerful AI photo editor

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Simplified photo editing with AI tools

Remove objects

Quickly remove unwanted objects or people for clean, distraction- free photos.

Remove backgrounds

Create backgrounds in any style you can imagine from wallpapers to social content!


Add movement & effects to any still photo and create captivating animations.


Add, replace or change objects in photos, enhancing them with new elements or designs.

AI Expand

Stretch, expand, and reimagine photos beyond their original frame.


Sharpen and enhance old, blurry, or low-quality photos into high definition.

AI Filters - endless creativity in a tap

  • Transform landscapes into dreamscapes with AI Scenes.
  • Put a creative spin on your portraits with AI Selfies.
  • Fix blurry or pixelated images in a snap, and more.

You’ll never believe what you can create on your Phone

You’ll never believe what you can create on your Phone