As you already know, one of the best ways to remember to use every day is by downloading one of our easy to use toolbars. Now, we are super excited to introduce a new feature of that allows YOU to create your OWN branded toolbar, powered by Swag Bucks!

The brand new Swag Bucks toolbar wizard, allows you to customize and create your own branded toolbar in just minutes (its so unbelievably easy to create). Its super easy to use, and built just for YOU!

With the new Swag Bucks toolbar wizard, you can create a toolbar for YOUR blog, YOUR website, YOUR organization, complete with YOUR custom logo, YOUR custom buttons (which you choose and customize), games, tools and a search box powered by!

The toolbar is an amazing marketing tool, and if you are a blogger, or a member of a fan community (or community organization), we encourage you to have fun and create a killer toolbar that YOUR fans and friends will enjoy.

Because there are so many amazing and interesting Swaggernauts from all walks of life, we are very interested in seeing what you create. So, if you decide to create a toolbar, post a comment with the download URL and a little info on the toolbar. Not only will we check it out, there may be fellow Swaggernauts interested in it too! If you create a toolbar for YOUR blog, or organization, and offer it up on YOUR site, let us know – we love seeing how you are using these tools!

So what are you waiting for, create yourself a toolbar right here and have a blast!