In 1947, the first King Soopers was founded in Arvada, Colorado by Lloyd King and Charles Houchens. The name was a nod to a reference in an old Archies comic. King Soopers was also the first grocer in the area to have a pharmacy. They had nine stores before selling the company to Dillons Food Stores in 1957. Dillons became part of the Kroger family in 1983. And today, King Soopers has 118 stores across Colorado.
Stop by Swagbucks first to load up on available King Soopers coupons. Combine those with current King Soopers deals to stretch your budget when shopping for groceries and household goods. Log into your King Soopers account on the grocery website to gain instant access to digital coupons. Sign up for a free shopper's card and choose cash back offers to apply them right to your order. Cash back rewards can also be saved and applied to your PayPal account once you earn at least $20. Join the Community Rewards program to earn donations to local organizations based on your shopping patterns. Just link to your chosen charity or organization, swipe the right card, and the digital donation will go through whenever you shop. You can check your progress right on your King Soopers account at specific times during the year. Also, apply for and use the King Soopers REWARDS World Mastercard to earn free groceries and up to $.55 off each gallon of gas for an entire year when you redeem 100 fuel points.
Shop for bakery, beverages, coffee, cleaning and household needs, dairy, deli, electronics, floral, health and wellness, meat and seafood, produce, seasonal goods, supplements and vitamins, and more. While you’re there, stock up on International cuisine products, holiday goodies, and check their ship-to-home selections for great prices and free shipping on a variety of items.